International Winter School on Origins of Life
Società Italiana di Astrobiologia
27 nov 2023
The future of chemistry and biology towards the origins of life. Pavia, January 16th - 19th , 2024
We are thrilled to announce the participation of esteemed members from the Italian Society of Astrobiologia in the upcoming International Winter School on Origins of Life (WISOL 24). This event, themed "The Future of Chemistry and Biology Towards the Origins of Life," will take place in Pavia from January 16th to 19th, 2024. WISOL 24 promises an immersive experience at the intersection of chemistry and biology, exploring the fundamental questions surrounding the origins of life on our planet and beyond.
Our members are honored to contribute to this prestigious gathering, offering talks that delve into the forefront of the research on the Origins of life.
More infomation about this event:
How Life began on Earth? This intriguing question is of capital importance for modern science. From the most recent exploratory missions to ancient philosophy, this fascinating question is puzzling humankind from the beginning.
University of Pavia, as a growing research institute, offers you a unique platform to get in touch with top scientists in the field and learn most advanced models with experimental techniques used in prebiotic investigations.
With multidisciplinarity as a trademark, WISOL 24 is aimed at chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists, planetary scientists, astronomers and scholars for fruitfully building a knowledge exchange network and a cradle for future collaborations. WISOL 24 is an intensive international school and it is the first school on origins of life studies.
Thanks to the success of the previous edition, we are now happy to announce the second edition of the school. The school comprises laboratory activities on data treatment and computer simulations with the most advanced open-source software.
Attendees will have the opportunity to present their work in flash communications that will be held as part of the main events.
24 hours of activities in 4 days. Activities includes lessons, seminars, workshops and round tables. Students are directly involved in activities (a personal laptop is highly recommended)
Preliminary Class Schedule
(in process)
(to be published soon)
To whom it is addressed
The school is open to researchers, Master and PhD students.
School will give 6 credits (CFU) for PhD students and certificate of attendance for all the participants.
Venue Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia (Viale Taramelli, 12, 27100 Pavia)
Invited Speakers (Confirmed)
Prof. Nadia Balucani (University of Perugia, Italy)
Prof. Cecilia Ceccarelli (Universitè Grenoble Alpes, IPAG)
Prof. Moran Frenkel-Pinter (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Prof. Emeritus Claudio Maccone (International Academy of Astronautics (IAA, Paris) and National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF, Rome)
Prof. Raffaele Saladino (University of Tuscia, Italy)
Prof. Piero Ugliengo (University of Turin, Italy
Visa Requirements
Depending on your citizenship, participants might need a visa to enter Italy. Kindly visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy at:, if you are in the need of Acceptance Letter, WISOL24 secretariat is helpful. Acceptance Letter may be included in the visa application. It is each participant's responsibility to obtain a Visa to enter Italy.
How To Reach Pavia
The total cost of the school is 350 euros for PhD students, including all teaching materials, social activities, coffee breaks, light lunches, PhD credits certificate (6 credits) and certificate of attendance. For master students fees are 200 euros, including all teaching materials, social activities, coffee breaks, light lunches and certificate of attendance. Accommodation is excluded. Link for online payment is here. If you haven't the Italian personal ID please tick the Anonymous box. We remind you that in order to participate you also have to register by clicking at the button below. THE DEADLINE FOR THE PAYMENT IS 4TH OF DECEMBER
Registration link:
More information please visit the dedicated website in the following link:
Chief Organizer: Daniele Dondi Associate Professor
Scientific Committe: Dhanalakshmi Vadivel Post-doc
Organizing Committe: Francesco Ferraro PhD student
Particle Life
RadChemLab University of Pavia
Particle Life