Barbara Cavalazzi è stata eletta Presidente della European Astrobiology Network Association EANA.

1 lug 2019
COMPLIMENTI da tutta la SIA e auguri per il prestigioso incarico!!
Barbara Cavalazzi, Università di Bologna, già membro del Consiglio Scientifico della Società Italiana di Astrobiologia, è stata eletta Presidente della European Astrobiology Network Association EANA.
COMPLIMENTI da tutta la SIA e auguri per il prestigioso incarico!!
Segue il messaggio di insediamento del neo-Presidente
Dear EANA Members, I want take a moment to thank you all for your trust, encouragement and warm welcome. It will be an honour and privilege to serve as new President of EANA, and an important heredity especially after having had presidents as Andrè Brack, Gerda Horneck and Frances Westall. EANA is a major network association and reference point for astrobiology in Europe. It offers a place for us to think together about the best ways to sustain the intellectual and scientific work of our members, to exchange fresh ideas, make European astrobiologists more visible, open doors to new opportunities, allow all of you, the members, to express opinions and expand your support network at every stage of your career. EANA is our resource, it will help to seek collaborations, support students and early career astrobiologists, seek new professional horizons, address the concerns of stakeholders about the importance of the astrobiology, bridging institutions including ESA and EAI, or immerse yourself in a new area of study, and more. Building the EANA network took almost 20 years and lots of efforts by all members, and we should to always acknowledge it as a resource, connector and trusted source. I am excited to build on our successes and continuously look for new opp! ortunities for growth the community. Please attend the next EANA events, inform the community about events related to astrobiology, read our newsletters, and stay connected. One of EANA’s top priorities for the next years and for the future is rethinking the nature and role of astrobiology in the research, space science and in society in the face of radical transformations. I am excited to be the new President of EANA for these coming years. I promise you all, as next president, I wish do my best to listen and drive EANA community, I am eager to get to know more of you, along with your interests and concerns, in the coming years. It is going to be a very exciting and challenging time for EANA and for astrobiology in Europe. The Executive Council, the councillors and I are looking forward to meeting you, working with you and seeing you all, being engaged in and continue growing our EANA network. Please join the EANA or renew your membership in it, urge your colleagues to become members, and make your voice heard. It was wonderful to meet most of you last week at the EANA2019 meeting, our community’s annual appointment, and I look forward to working with you and for you throughout the year and to seeing you at the EANA2020 in Bologna.